RPI Designs

Dodge Challenger Sequential Tail Lights

Dodge Challenger Sequential Tail Lights from RPI Designs is quite possibly one of the coolest mods you can make. The new Challenger is one awesome car straight from the factory. However, any car can be modded to be even more awesome! Web Electric manufacturers the sequential taillights we carry. By installation these sequential tail lights your blinkers will actually blink in sequence.

Dodge Challenger Sequential Tail Lights

These light harnesses feature sophisticated electronics that automatically adjust the sequencing speed to match the turn signal flasher in your car. While other products offer you fixed timing or complicated manual adjustments, our electronics sense your Challenger’s flasher speed and adjust the sequence timing for you.

Installation of these Sequential Taillights for your Challenger take about 30 minutes on average. From feedback of prior customers, this mod is one that is very straight forward and easy. We provide very good installation instructions. These instructions walk you through, step-by-step on how to install these lights.

RPI Designs customers will often ask us if these are legal? From every set we ever sent out we can say YES. We’ve been selling these sequential taillights for over eight years and have never once had a set returned for being illegal. If you want to be certain just check with your local police department. Like we said, we’ve never seen anyone have a problem with the thousands of sets we’ve sent out over the years.

In addition to these Challenger sequential tail lights we also offer these light kits for the new Dodge Charger and most Ford Mustangs. With a new set of WebElectric sequential tail lights you can be certain you’ll be the envy of the neighborhood. You’ll also be certain that this simple Challenger mod will certainly help you bring home trophies at any local show this Summer.